Monday, October 4, 2010

Attention Whore

I am an attention whore. If you're reading this blog, chances are it is because of deliberate moves I made in helping to connecting you, the reader, with me, the writer, marketer and videographer. I will not disclose exactly what techniques I employ to direct viewers to this site. Just trust the facts here. I have the statistics, I know where the majority of my traffic comes from. And I know that wherever you come from, odds are it is because I led you here on purpose. The reason for this, and it goes back to the attention whore thing, is that I need to be loved.

I have been in partnership now for the better part of a year with an artist and very dear friend of mine who has graciously allowed me to hijack his blog site for my personal indulgence and to satisfy my need for attention. I have a very fragile ego and if my lack of blogging success continued for too much longer I would have slipped into a severe state of depression and not left my apartment for days on end except to go up to the corner deli to get smokes and Suzy-Q's.

All of the thoughts, opinions, factoids and diatribes that I post here are 100% sincere. However, the little bits of outreach that precipitated your visit (unless you found it by chance, which is statistically improbable based on the data I have) may be a little dubious. I do not apologize for this. Welcome to the coal-black sea.

If you're reading this blog then you've found it. If you've found it, read it, enjoy it, hate it. I don't care. I don't work for a corporation and your data is not being collected for commercial purposes. I'm just an attention whore.

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