Friday, December 9, 2011


One of the most significant yet understated results of Occupy is the generation of young people, especially those in colleges and universities, who refuse to accept things as they are and who understand that it's better to value humanity over profit and greed. They believe that the world is not going to change on its own and that they must take matters into their own hands. This is a generation of creative, energetic, young people who are dreaming big about how to build a more positive future for the human race, and who are beginning to feel empowered.

Even elite schools such as Harvard and Princeton, schools which have educated many of the current industry and political leaders of our corrupt society, and whose student bodies by and large come from privileged backgrounds, are seeing this trend.

10 or 20 years from now many of these young people with high ideals and hopes toward a better future for humanity will be in positions of leadership.

All of you naysayers can deny this all you want. Its happening, whether you like it or not, and its gaining momentum by the day. Once people are enlightened, there is nothing that can stop them.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Needs No Endgame

Occupy needs no endgame. The establishment wants it to have one so that they might know how to end it. Occupy not having an endgame is frustrating to them. It is a movement of ideas and people power, and that is difficult to understand. Even the media can't really explain it. Someday Occupy will end. We will never know when it does. The people will be empowered and humanity will gradually return to it's natural state. These things will come to pass because we want them. We want to behave amongst ourselves and work together and get along. We won't feel this change. The name "Occupy" will stop being used, and "occupy" will go back to being just another verb.

The next step is to empower the poor. The non-poor needed to know that they must stop blaming the poor for being poor. Occupy has done that. Next it needs to help the poor find things and learn ways that will help them get out of poverty. This will change the world.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

2012 Truth Exposed!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's Random Sticky Note

This is something that I started on Facebook that's become a fan favorite. It's gonna pop up here every now and then when I have nothing better to post. Think of it as a curious little snapshot from my day job.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ian Murphy For Congress

He approves this message

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Glenn Beck Sucks

Glenn Beck recently suggested that god caused the earthquake in Japan as some form of punishment for some wrongdoing. It concerns me that anyone would have the gall to point fingers at a nation of people and say they deserved some kind of natural disaster. It concerns me even more that someone who wears the title of journalist actually believes in this kind of black magic and feels qualified to speak on behalf of a deity. If there was a god, would Glenn Beck have some kind of direct line to him where he could reasonably comment on who was being judged and whether or not any wrath was appropriate punishment for transgressions?

And Glenn, if there was a god, why did he make you a douchebag?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


dig this, y'all...