Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thoughts On viridian1

I thought you were my friend you degenerate creep. I didn't realize that I was taking advantage of your generosity when you agreed to let me use your blog space in order to protect my professional identity at the expense of yours. You've said some pretty nasty things about my work and now I'm paying you back with public slander. I hope you drown in obscurity and spend the rest of your life like one of those art directors we used to work with all the time who say "yeah, I used to paint. I should really get back into it." Enjoy your boring life in the suburbs. Go mow your lawn. Go barbecue hamburgers from SuperFresh in your backyard and take sunday trips to the beach. The rest of us real artists will be living high and dying in the streets. We'll be making poetry with our lives instead of saving for retirement and an RV. Enjoy your imaginary friends. Your real (ex)friends will be whooping it up at Ray's Happy Birthday Bar with the cool people, smoking, drinking, being evil till last call. What movie you gonna on-demand tonight? Maybe you can be bad and have a beer. Don't let the paperboy hit you in the balls with your Sunday Times when you step out on your porch with your morning coffee. Keep it real.


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