Monday, December 20, 2010

The Religions Right Must Be Stopped

This is almost too surreal to watch. I've seen some audacious things come out of the Religious Right but this video takes the cake.

The video begins by introducing the environmental movement as one of the greatest deceptions of our day. Funny how the most notorious brainwashers can accuse anyone of deception.

They have the nerve to make the following statements:

"Environmentalists have a long history of believing and promoting exaggerations and myths."

"Exaggeration, myths and outright lies are commonplace in the environmental movement."

The Chief Myth Makers are accusing science of promoting myths and lies? How do people like this live with themselves? What is it like to teach fairy tales to children and intentionally and deceitfully drive them away from facts and the truth? I have to know what that is like.

Scaring little children? You mean telling them to believe in stories and imaginary friends or else suffer by being tortured forever?

The war on the poor? Who will suffer the most when our environmentally unsound culture finally catches up to us? The Poor. The Religious Right needs the poor to justify their existence through charity under false pretenses.

Its time to step up the efforts and educate the young. My mission in life is now to stop this bullshit and eradicate religion by teaching my own children to dismiss religious mythmakers and liars and steer them towards reason and science. They will in turn pass that down on to their own offspring and we'll propagate religion out of existence.

I vowed to never lie to my children which is why we are a completely secular family. This is war, and our primary weapon used against our enemy will be information. The religious can only run from the truth for so long.

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