Bitch-slapping Alex Jones disciples is easy when you're armed with knowledge. It's akin to hunting in the zoo. You will see this play out in the following exchange which took place on YouTube between me, using Les' handle, LesterMartin, and an evolution skeptic who calls himself 1toneboy.
It was in reference to a comment I made on a video called, Darwin Theory of Evolution pt1 - ALAN WATT ALEX JONES ( It's a clip of paleo-conservative radio host Alex Jones' phone interview with writer Alan Watt about Globalism, Eugenics, and Charles Darwin.
The comment I made was really in reference to another video, and maybe I had been watching too many videos late at night, but what I was really referring to was a clip called, Alex Jones And Evolution ( In the clip, Jones states the he "doesn't believe in evolution the way its billed and sold," and later proclaims, "I believe in intelligent design."
Billed and sold? It's fucking peer-reviewed science! He thinks science is part of a conspiracy for what purpose? I had been regularly visiting Jones' website,, and streaming his radio program until it became clear to me that his ideas about Globalism, the New World Order, and eye-in-the-sky big brotherism were a little too irrational.
One only needs to listen to him discuss chemtrails to get a clear sense of what I mean. The idea that he is a creationist, and his belief that scientists who promote evolution are part of an elitist global conspiracy further reinforce my feelings that his ability to use reason and logic are skewed, and possibly have a deeper motive or agenda.
So I blurted out a comment on the Jones/Alan Watt video, and it started a chain reaction with 1toneboy that is both amusing and informative. It's been a lively debate, but I must say that 1toneboy is somewhat deficient in his ability to separate his belief in the supernatural from scientific fact, to employ the scientific method, to communicate verbally, and to argue effectively.
The initial rebuttal to my comment came from a user called lakshmak, but it soon set off 1toneboy and we were off to the races. Along with our conversation, he is also debating another user called karlkarlkarl1234 about evolution, and he seems only capable of engaging both of us with insults and contradictions, even self-contradiction, as he does in the sample below:
karlkarlkarl1234 @1toneboy: Actually evolution is the "MOST demonst ratable theory to ever exist". I don't think you've though that one through. Look at yourself in the mirror and you can see it. Scientists have done countless and countless research demonstrating without any doubt it exists.
I would advise reading a bit more on the topic first.
1toneboy @karlkarlkarl1234: oh god, what a retard, yeah you're proof there is no design from a higher being. i literally prefaced what i said with "i'm not saying it's wrong" YOU DIDNT SHOW ONE FACT you just insubstantially said i was wrong. and for the record i do believe in evolution. universities offer hundreds of thousands of dollars for proof of things like evidence of DNA reduction mutation. tell me please what proof? and if you say the fossil record i'm going to tear your argument apart
This is the kind of twisted reasoning of creationists and conspiracy theorists as they grasp for straws once they're called out on their ignorance, as my conversation with 1toneboy illustrates:
LesterMartin: Alex's tin foil hat is choking out the oxygen to his brain
lakshmak: and youre getting choked with false information, television, and complete bullshit.
LesterMartin: evolution is not false information, it is fact, like gravity
1toneboy @LesterMartin: i'm not saying its wrong but gravity is demonstratable, evolution isnt, cant be recreated and there is no physical proof.
LesterMartin @1toneboy: evolution is demonstratable, and has been observed in real time. To study evolution in action, scientists use organisms like bacteria and fruitflies that reproduce quickly, so they can see changes that require many generations.
1toneboy @LesterMartin: Ha-Ha! Oh, I see. and what has been observed from this? What changes in DNA have occurred, what different species did these bacteria develop into over these many generations. The generations of fruit flys can be measured to exceed that of the generations of what science tells us man has been on the earth and what trates of the fruit fly change? what new species arises? Evolution's got SUCH a long way to go and be refined, so many unanswered questions.
LesterMartin @1toneboy: the answer to your comment was that evolution is demonstratable, which it is. Changes in DNA and species aside, it doesn't take away the simple truth that evolution is fact. It happens. It is not explained away by magic. Evolution does not have a long way to go. It is observable through observation and experimentation. There are many lifetimes worth of knowledge about evolution and life in general to discover. Science acknowledges that.
1toneboy @LesterMartin: you didnt answer my question YOU JUST SAID THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS ITS A FACT i asked you what DNA changes, what new features does it develop, what new species does it turn into. you're not showing how its demonstrable you fool!
LesterMartin @1toneboy: Life reproduces with variation. If it didn't, we would all look exactly like our parents. But if you need other examples, there's bacteria and the AIDS virus which are constantly evolving into new strains which are immune to vaccines and penicillin
1toneboy @LesterMartin: thats a ridiculous ogmentation how genes are passed through reproduction. Virus' yeah whatever thats debatable, but I want YOU to explain YOUR fruit fly reasoning in a manner that answer's teh questions i put to you regarding it.
As luck would have it, I ran across an article in earlier that day about new strains of weeds which were resistant to the herbicide glyphosate. In the article, a scientist named Mike Owen commented that it is "Darwinian evolution in fast-forward." I thought I would point him in the right direction. And I thought it was about time that I helped him with his grammar.
LesterMartin @1toneboy: Look up and read an article titled Farmers Cope With Roundup Resistant Weeds in the NY times. Then ask me again about physical proof of evolution and speciation.
LesterMartin @1toneboy: and I believe the word is augmentation
I haven't heard back in a couple of days so I guess I schooled him.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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