Friday, January 21, 2011

Al Franken Was Right

Rush Limbaugh IS a Big Fat Idiot!!!

Unfortunately, 15+ million people disagree. Woe is us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here Comes Sarah Right Down Sarah Palin Lane

Who is really singing in the video? Sometimes I feel that a politician's constituency is more worrisome then the politician. Not true in this case. All of you poor saps who think that the Tea Party is coming to save the day are getting hosed.

Friday, January 14, 2011

1000 Pairs of Eyeballs and Rolling

In celebration of my video for Matthew Green finally topping 1000 views I'm gonna get myself nice and buzzed tonight on some very hoppy and locally crafted Oat Soda (it's Friday, after all).

I know what you're thinking: you get loaded every Friday night, and besides, 1000 views isn't really anything worth celebrating, since Justin Bieber Lights A Fart, The Pissing Cat and Old Guy Crashing His Bike and Smashing His Balls each got like 20,000,000 views. But I'm happy for Matt and proud of my work with him.

Besides, art videos are not exactly hot movers on YouTube, and his painting and accompanying video series is light-years beyond the run-of-the-mill, Bob Ross style farmscape paintings that you generally see there.

Judge for yourselves, if you are in fact who you say you are...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Muddy Little Secrets #2

Matthew Green recently finished the second painting in his Muddy Little Secrets series for his project, Five Miles From Times Square. Someone's going to have to teach him how to properly photograph his work.